“Eileen Carey’s voice is a droplet of honey dangling from a hive: glistening, all natural, and inviting…but don’t be fooled by the coating because the woman beneath is strong, confident, and just a little bit sassy! Lyrically Carey is smart, to the point, and colorful. Potent lines such as ‘Your lips have lost their poetry’ from the title track deliver her message with absolute focused precision and flair. Eileen has something to say and she says it dynamically. An upbeat, empowering twirling dance that relishes life in the moment and celebrates the wonder, joy and excitement of what comes next.“ SONGWRITERS MONTHLY
(PALO ALTO) – Eileen Carey, multi-award winning singer/songwriter, performs in concert at the Rockin’ Moms Benefit For Blossom Birth, at Blossom Birth, 299 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, Saturday, May 7, 5-7 p.m. Full-day pass, $40; workshop only, $25; concert
only, $15. Info: (650) 321-2326 or log onto www.blossombirth.org.
The event is in conjunction with Blossom Birth’s Fifth Annual Mother’s Day Pampering Celebration. Blossom Birth is a non-profit education and resource center that provides parents and birth professionals with a holistic, non-judgmental view of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting.
The bi-coastal Carey – who has enjoyed a solid career mixing her from-the-heart lyrics into a radio-friendly blend of both Pop and Country – took home “Producer’s Choice – Dance Single of the Year” at the prestigious 2010 Los Angeles Music Awards this past November. The song that Carey won her Dance Single of the Year” award for – “Out With The Girls” – was recently remade into a country/dance song to accompany a nationwide dance club promotion. “Out With the Girls” was distributed to top dance clubs, deejays and dance instructors in the top 100 DMA markets for a 12-week rotation of club airplay, with local contests and promotions created to partner with female-oriented consumer products via traditional and new media outlets including mamapalooza.com, womensradio.com, and chicksingernight.com.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIZpzq4LzkQ.Link to remix:
www.eileencarey.com www.myspace.com/eileencarey www.themusicmom.com
Eileen Carey DAILY CALIFORNIAN March 2011
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