(THE NORTH POLE) – In the spirit of the holiday season, Award-winning Americana/Roots 'n' Country recording artist Natasha James releases “Hotel Christmas” on WHP Christmas Songs Volume 5 (website: AirPlay Direct Link: www.AirPlayDirect.com/whpchristmassongsvol5).

“Hotel Christmas,” Natasha James' latest release, features the legendary Bobby Black on pedal steel, Steve Evans on bass, Rafael Padilla on percussion, and Woody Vermeire on violin among other stellar talents, and engineered by Ronnie Rivera at Prairie Sun Studios. “Hotel Christmas,” which has been released to radio in the U.S. and abroad, was described as a “country classic” by Paul Loggins of STS and New Music Weekly.
James, who seamlessly blends Americana, Blues, Country and Rock into her music, just garnered “Producer's Choice: Country Songwriter of the Year” and received her plaque at the Los Angeles Music Awards' Main Event gala in November, at Paramount Studios on the storied Paramount Theater Lot in Hollywood, Calif. This marks the second consecutive year James has taken home a win at the longest-running independent music awards show of its kind. Last year she captured “Country Album of the Year” honors for her critically-acclaimed CD TEQUILA TIME (Highway One Records).
“Winning the LAMA Award for the second year in a row is such a wonderful reaffirmation that what I am doing matters,” says James. “Winning 'Songwriter of the Year' makes me feel doubly glad, not just to make a difference as a performer, but that what I write is seen as worthwhile.”
Natasha will be a judge, contribute a song, and perform on “FALL IN LOVE WITH AMERICA – AGAIN,” a documentary-style web and mobile-based audio/video/multimedia series highlighting stories from across America. In addition to being made into a feature-length documentary film, the project includes live web cam updates, a touring exhibit, interactive websites, and social/networking sites. In her judging capacity, James “will be looking for the next great American song! and working with some of the selected new songwriters,” says Executive Producer, Dennis Gelbaum. http://fallinlovewithamericaagain.blogspot.com/.

James was recently featured in SONGWRITERS MONTHLY, THAT NASHVILLE SOUND, OUTLAW MAGAZINE. and NASHVILLE COUNTRY CLUB. Natasha's recent interview and performance on popular Hollywood-based TV show ACTORS E CHAT can be viewed here: http://actorsentertainment.com/actorse/november-18th-2010-actorse-chat-with-singer-natasha-james-and-guitarist-james-harman/.
Moving forward, Natasha's TEQUILA TIME will be on Bluebird Cafe Records Berlin Sampler for Country Music Messe – Berlin 2011, at which Natasha will be performing this upcoming February during her European Tour.
Thanks admin I added a nice article on google reader