The beautiful and eloquently talented singer, songwriter, actress and author Irene Michaels raised the roof at Chicago’s trendy night spot “The Alley..” The classy and sophisticated Chanteuse de boîte de nuit charmed her guests with songs including “Mr. Bojangles”, “I’ve Got A Lot of Living to Do”, “Coming Back As A Man”, and others. Her jazzy swagger and upbeat style is salaciously fascinating and the crowd certainly seemed to love her.
The host Mr. Arny Granat missed his calling as a stand-up comedia, but his debonair and charismatic variety just has to be applauded. The show also included the Our House Band and singer songwriter Sonny Luca who I consider to be the next Ed Sheeran. But tonight, the show was about the dazzle that Irene Michaels brought to the stage…
An entertainer nearly all of her life beginning with dance which segued into a modeling career, Irene looked confident and glamorous as she performed. Sometimes the route to joy is indirect. A journey not quite as we expect. There is no magic star to guide our steps, no ancient prophecies to predict our way, and the greatest gift is to know that we are in the company of others. There are hands we can reach for and hands we can touch. Tonight, Irene brought joy to those watching her and touched many of them with her song, and that is one of the best things and entertainer can hope for. Much of the world’s agony is erased by a song.
Irene Michaels currently records House Music on the iconic TRAX label as well as pop and adult contemporary where she is set to signed with the New York Tribeca Record label. She will appearing at Chelsea Table and Stage at 152 West 26th street in New York City on September 22, 2023…..
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