Share Your Strength for #NoKidHungry

How many #restaurants will stand together to end childhood hunger in America for one week? Sept 18 – 24 #NoKidHungry

Will it be Texas Roadhouse?

Tuesday, June 21st, Share Our Strength is having a tweet-a-thon to raise awareness and grab the attention of restaurants. ANY restaurants, any of your friends or family members that own restaurants or have family diners….anything and everything helps. It’s so super easy to do something for this cause…trust me, one person: YOU…..can make a difference!

Share Our Strength’s Dine Out For No Kid Hungry is a national event that brings together thousands of restaurants and millions of consumers to help ensure no child in America grows up hungry. From September 18-24, 2011, participating restaurants will raise funds to support No Kid Hungry, Share Our Strength’s national campaign to end childhood hunger in America. In 2010, over 4,000 restaurants joined to raise more than $1.5 million! Keep reading to see how you can help make this year even more successful.

Nearly 1 in 4 children in America will face hunger this year. Without the security of knowing where their next meal will come from, these children lack the energy to learn, grow and thrive. The money raised through Dine Out for No Kid Hungry will connect kids with nutritious food where they live, learn and play.

They Need your Help! Today you can help increase the success of the 2011 Dine Out for No Kid Hungry by asking your favorite restaurants to be a part of this national event. This year they want to see more than 5,000 restaurants on board for this year’s Dine Out for No Kid Hungry and they need you to encourage restaurants in your area to join in the movement.

When: Tuesday June 21, 2011, all day long! We’re focusing our network’s enthusiasm on this one day to really grab the attention of restaurants.

How to Ask Your Favorite Restaurant to Participate in the Dine Out for No Kid Hungry:

There are 2 ways to ask your favorite restaurant to participate:

1. Ask On Twitter: Tweet to your favorite restaurant with info about the Dine Out.

TwitterHere is a sample tweet you can use and personalize:

@________ will u help end child #hunger by joining @Dine_Out 4 #NoKidHungry? Info here:

Quick tip: How do you find your favorite restaurant’s Twitter “handle?”
Many restaurants have a presence on Twitter, and by using their “handle” (the @ symbol plus their twitter page name), you can reach out to them directly. Finding their Twitter handle is easy:

  • Search for the restaurant’s name on any search engine. Simply type in the name of the restaurant and Twitter and you should find it.
  • Visit the restaurant’s website. Most restaurants will prominently display their Twitter handle on their homepage.

2. Ask On Facebook: Post on your favorite restaurant’s Facebook wall, asking them to participate in the Dine Out.

Here is a sample wall post you can use:Facebook

_(Brand name)_, will you join the Dine Out for No Kid Hungry? It’s an amazing anti-childhood hunger fundraising program and it’s happening September 18-24th! If you register, I promise to dine with you that week! Register today: 

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