A native of Canada, Elessar has loved music from the ripe young age of 8 when he bought his first guitar. His love of music has only grown since that time and the proof is in the amazingly talented and gifted way he performs and shares his exquisite style of music.
“A Rainy Week In Paradise” released on June 10th of this year, 2015 is 11 tracks of some of the most amazing new music on the scene at this time. Consisting of Alternative, rock, blues, and that smooth touch of Soul this album is a winner.
His love of life and lyrics speak of reality at it’s best whether dark or light and his music brings it full circle with the alternative sounds of a mixture of folk rock, blues and jazz.
Reaching deep into the dark recesses of our souls and pulling forth the hidden light he uses his lyrics as a way to express humankind feelings and to inspire others to have courage even in the face of life’s tests.

Track #6 “When the World Ends” is made to wake you up, to open your senses and look around at what’s really happening in the world right now. It asks you to wake up to how short life can be and that every moment is important to man kind. The rhythmic motion pulls you in. Powerful guitar rifts, and percussion is right on the money. This is really good music.
Through a magical portal that is his music and his voice, he’s able to express his heart felt passions and excitement for life while hopefully enlightening the lives of others along the way. His music is melodious and his voice soulful; that’s what makes this album one of the heavy hitters for chart topping watch list’s across the country.
Thiessen is like something from a Rockwell painting, poetic and versed with a mixture of light so delicate it’s rough and blinding at the same time. His music is eye opening and realistically truthful.
Elessar has put together probably one of the tightest collection of musicians for this master piece of work. They are so compatible with each other musically that they perform as one. Each one anticipating where the other will go with each note. Perfection.

The album consists of Cam Friesen on Drums and Percussion, Brody Britton on Percussion and David Landreth on Bass. On track five a special appearance with Jordan Lackiew on Organ/Piano, and Alexa Dirks with vocals on track 5 along with supporting vocals on track 3 by Catherine Wylee. Rounding out this superb group is the man himself Elessar Theissen with vocals, Organ, Guitar, Piano, and Programming. Theissen also produced and engineered this album.
His authenticity is genuine, he is in a class of the highest caliber musician, and his artistic nature is unique to him and his style of music. His capturing of the folk rock sound and the clarity of the lyrics will entice the listener into the story and the majesty of the melody.
His music heals the soul and inspires your spirit to take life one step further. Just close your eyes and feel it….moving through you…..”A Rainy Week In Paradise” is one of the most excellent releases of 2015 in the genre of Rock, Soul, and Alternative Blues.
“I love music. It brings me peace. Through song, solo or melody. A gateway to releasing my inner thoughts, passions and desires. There are very few activities that bring me into a pure state of ecstasy, music is one of them.” ~Elessar Thiessen~

For more information on where you can purchase Elessar’s music or see a show you can visit the sites below:
Elessar Thiessen
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