Acoustic Folk Singer Deb Montgomery Releases “Long Long Journey”

Cover photo credit: Independent Music Promotions
Cover photo credit: Independent Music Promotions

Wow, I’m not sure there is any way to give justice to this collection. If you are a big fan of folk artists like Neal Young, Natalie Merchant and Aimee Mann, you’ll love this artist.

Deb Montgomery touches on so many things pure and dark in life, the world, what we really should see when we look at the birds, the trees, the grass, a small child……pain. She opens your eyes with the lyrics, the music, and her voice.

Her voice is a siren, calling to you to open your eyes. I loved “Hail to Helpless Things”

Hail To Helpless Things” is outstanding and surreal. The lyrics move you and will bring heartfelt memories, I’m sure of emotions we’ve all felt at one time or another.

Deb Montgomery makes you want to hear every word she has to say.” ~Mark Stewart (who has shared stages with Paul Simon, Paul McCartney, and Bob Dylan)~

Canadian born, Montgomery is probably one of the most talented folk faith artists of our time. Currently her music is a statement to what we all feel and experience here in life. Pain, love, loss, courage, and yes….hope.

She not only exudes a clear and profound talent in song writing but in performing the songs as well. Her voice is warm, inviting, and the inflection on the words allow you to enter in to the world that each song presents. Her music is intoxicating, inviting and passionate.

photo credit: Independent Music Promotions, Deb Montgomery

Montgomery’s beauty is not just physical but she displays a beauty in the music and in the lyrics that I think not only describe her views of the world around us but of her inner self.

Like a stone skipping across a beautiful span of water, Deb Montgomery’s music is an unexpected flight of lightness and depth. Her magnificent voice is like that stone: earthy, strong and aloft. Her lyrics like the tranquil pond below it.” ~Linda Keene, writer, painter, designer—Seattle, WA ~

While I Waited” is soft and speaks of the hidden things sometimes unseen. It talks about the waiting and what is yet to be in life. Beautiful words of waiting for the angel who will help guide her to a new a better part of her journey. To me I embraced it as The Father of Heaven watching over me, guiding me through every difficult part of my fight for a better future. As I waited he was always there. It is the multitude of the world speaking to us.

The presentation of each song is unique so much so that, each song has it’s own distinctive place in the collection yet the uniqueness sets it apart from the rest.

photo credit: Independent Music Promotions, Deb Montgomery

I especially enjoyed the constant impression of what life is really like. Hidden sorrows, hidden struggles and yet there is hope. There is love, there is courage and there is a light at the end of this journey. All you need do is embrace it. The lyrics hit home for me. It not only is impressive lyrically, but vocally and instrumentally. Deb Montgomery is no doubt carving out a solid place for herself in the music industry, in he chosen genre and in a bold group of women who are forging a path in the industry.

This collection “Long Long Journey” is a place of serenity and calm in the face of the daily storms we meet. It’s filled with a daily dose of wisdom and guidance. Confessions of the spirit fill the air and open you up for a great healing.

For more information please visit the following sites:

About Sherryl Craig 410 Articles
Sherryl is a Senior Writer and Assistant Editor with Nashville Music Guide and her blog, Lyrics N Legends has been featured since 2012. Her articles has graced the cover and have appeared as feature stories in the NMG print edition. She is also a member of WMMW, Women of Music Music of Women, a non-profit organization in support of women in the music industry. WMMW also appears here in Nashville Music Guide.

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