Dime Store Prophets dubbed “Feel Good Music” release new EP “Be Yourself”

Dime Store Prophet courtesy of Independent Music Promotions
Dime Store Prophet courtesy of Independent Music Promotions

It’s fresh and clean and reminds you of a sunny day on the beach or next to the pool with family and friends. Dubbed by their fans as “Feel Good Music” it’s easy to see why. Who is it making this feel good music? Dime Store Prophets that’s who. This amazing trio is sure to take away your blues.

You’ll be pulled in from the start by the groove and the easy feel. It get’s you moving. This powerhouse group with the a reggae feel have been touring the Pacific Northwest since 2009 performing over 200 shows during that time and will continue touring through out the fall of 2014 to promote the release of their new EP titled, “Be Yourself.”

“Be Yourself”, the title track, is true to how we live our daily lives. It tells the truth about what you get is what you give. Life comes full circle.

Based in Moses Lake, WA band members, Ray Glover, John Wilson and Eric Groff blend a groove of Rock, pop, Acoustic reggae and feel good fun into a spicy blend that moves the soul as well as your feet.

Popular festivals such as Pig Out in the Park Spokane, Inland Northwest Craft Brew Festival, and Fall Fest at Schweitzer have enjoyed the gifted talents of this inspiring trio. Dime Store Prophets have opened for The Verve Pipe and Indubious, just to name a few.

You can stream the links to this amazing new album at:


You can also enjoy this awesome video through Youtube at:

Music video links: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt5hPnhvPfs

“Draw For Love” has a little darker edge to it but it pulls you in to the lyrics and puts you in the moment of what’s happening in the song. “Call it a draw for love”, is it worth it to throw away your pride. Would you do it for me? Amazing lyrics.

This three piece wonder of rocking groove and reggae melded together after performing a joint collaboration in the studio and with their diverse musical talents and influences it was easy for each member to bring forth his own unique talent into the mix. With a wide array of influences to them, such as Bob Marley, The Clash, and Sublime it is now wonder the scale is wide open for them with their way of working “Feel Good Magic Music” into the mix.

Dime Store Prophet courtesy of Independent Music Promotions
Dime Store Prophet courtesy of Independent Music Promotions

The lyrics will grab you and hold you in the moment and the music will lighten your load and put a skip back into your step.

Dime Store Prophets are making history.

For more information please visit the following sites:

Twitter @DSProphets

About Sherryl Craig 410 Articles
Sherryl is a Senior Writer and Assistant Editor with Nashville Music Guide and her blog, Lyrics N Legends has been featured since 2012. Her articles has graced the cover and have appeared as feature stories in the NMG print edition. She is also a member of WMMW, Women of Music Music of Women, a non-profit organization in support of women in the music industry. WMMW also appears here in Nashville Music Guide.

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