Indie Pop Artist Sarah Schonert Releases “Songs About Sound”

Sarah Schonert recently released her newest full-length album called “Songs About Sounds”, the response has been impressive.

Schonert is an indie pop/experimental singer and songwriter. Her work is all self-produced with what has been said to be a synth-driven pallet and a cutting edge style lightly seasoned with a powerful and unquestionable, original set of vocals.

Sarah is a designer, painter, and engineer who applies glimmers of her career/hobbies into her music, making it all the more intimate. She is engaged with loops, synths, piano and more as the composes some of the years most ethereal collections yet.

“All This Noise” has somewhat of a psychedelic essence with the reverb effects. The eclectic taste and feel of the song set it apart from most pop songs you’ll hear today. It is definitely her own.

Next is “The Sound of Falling Down” and it’s more gentle approach presents beautiful piano melodies. It has been described as what it might feel like to fall down the rabbit hole as she references Alice In Wonderland. The digital effects of her voice once again set it apart as her own style and presentation.

I enjoyed “Hold You Up” as it has a slight 80’s hit-making tone to it. The sound effects were super hot. The instrumentation and stirring of the sound effects on piano and drums lend a classic effect.

There are ten tracks on this new album and each one is a great stand-alone single. You’re bound to find a few favorites in this collection. You’ll find a wonderful blend of sound effects, all set on a tapestry of transforming a popular hip hop, or pop sound into something ethereal and otherworldly.

“Sarah’s music is emancipated and contains an imperturbable delicious decorum that creates sonic images and landscapes as protean as the face of the ocean.” – HuffPost

I felt like I was really finding my voice with my previous LP (Penguin Party), and since then I’ve released an EP and a holiday album that has been progressing me forward with my instruments and gear. Songs About Sounds features a heavy dose of piano, as is my style, but also some hidden guitar and vintage synths. Like Penguin Party, many of the songs rely on a hardware looper for the driving grooves. “Ain’t No Weight But Your Own” is a departure from using my regular software vocoding, creating the effect completely with hardware. This album truly was quite a joy to create. “Hold You Up” may be my personal favorite as it was ridiculously fun to play and sing, and my son, Auron, offered his little voice at the end of “Waffles Over Pancakes.”

Acknowledgments for this artist include being the 2016 winner for best album (My Unwinding State) at the Women in Charg3 Music Awards, she also earned the 2018 local radio play (“Circle Slowly” and “Angels”), and was the 2017 Radio Airplay Holiday Song Contest finalist (“Looping of the Bells”), with dozens of reviews, features, and interviews between My Unwinding State and Penguin Party.

All media links and photos are courtesy of Independent Music Promotions. Schonert presents in the styles of Indie pop and experimental, she has been likened to Imogen Heap, Enya, and Kate Bush.

Photos by Keith Folken Photography, Album stylist is Zhanna Muslimova, and the Album artwork is by Sarah Schonert. Schonert has taken a blend of classical style piano, synths, and vintage gear and created a collection that is sure to be included in contemporary and classic collections for years to come.

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About Sherryl Craig 410 Articles
Sherryl is a Senior Writer and Assistant Editor with Nashville Music Guide and her blog, Lyrics N Legends has been featured since 2012. Her articles has graced the cover and have appeared as feature stories in the NMG print edition. She is also a member of WMMW, Women of Music Music of Women, a non-profit organization in support of women in the music industry. WMMW also appears here in Nashville Music Guide.

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