If Pink’s F*cking Perfect is the anthem for self-love and self-appreciation, then Paisley Fields’s The Door is the anthem for the foundation of positivity. A self-proclaimed “queer-based country band” with a knack for keeping themselves unlimited from the country genre and making their music their own. A great, no, fantastic example of this statement would be none other than The Door, the hit single from their latest album, Glitter and Sawdust. Uniquely titled, The Door represents the message of being carefree, especially mentally and personally, as it involves the opinions of others. With this message comes the always stated idiom: “Never judge a book by its cover.” The same can be said for not judging someone’s voice before seeing them for yourself, hence the lyrics: “If you woke up one day, looked in the mirror, and saw my reflection, would you still criticize my inflections?” If you ask me, this is an observation that’s not often thought about, especially due to people, who are ready to judge others based off of first impressions. As I’ve mentioned about artist James Wilson and his music style, The Paisley Fields successfully gets this message across indirectly, dressing this thought as not of a question of, “How would you feel…,” but a question of, “If you…would you…”
Honestly speaking, the ears that reach this song would more than likely be under the impression that they’re going to be treated to a sad song by the first fifteen seconds. This is due to The Door’s soft beat and use of the strings, including the banjo and the violin. However, from the first set of lyrics to the very last lyric, the listener gradually becomes pleasantly surprised, as the song doesn’t take them on a sad journey. Instead, it takes them on a whirlwind, complete with profound segments. These segments include, again, facing judgement, tackling backlash and criticism, removing yourself from negativity, and fully appreciating yourself. My personal favorite segment involves happiness (smiles) overpowering sadness (crying)…and changing your circumstances for that outcome. As someone who’s been to and through hell and back, the lyrics, “If he’s always apologizing and you always feel like crying, don’t waste your time anymore. Point him towards the door,” couldn’t be any more relatable. These lyrics can especially ring true for a young person going through a nasty break-up or battling a toxic relationship. If anything, they can be used as a strong piece of advice.
The versatile use of different instruments, voice included, is The Door’s icing on the cake. Yes, it’s clear that The Paisley Fields is a country band. Yes, it’s clear that The Door is a country song. But, interestingly enough, The Paisley Fields makes you forget that fact, especially with their thought-provoking lyrics. With their overall message, there’s a piece of advice that everyone, even non-country fans, can walk away from. In other words, let The Door be that reminder for that personal black hole in your life.
Follow Paisley Fields on Twitter @ThePaisleyField
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