The incomparable notes displayed on each song set this album apart from so many of the same genre. It lends a style of free expression and passion to the music that sometimes is drowned out when the artist is “too busy” and there are too many rifts or cord changes.
The vocals of Amie Miriello are exceptional and powerful. The unique tone she has to her voice is mesmerizing. The groove brings you in and holds you so tightly that you begin to embody the beat.
“All I Think About”, will entice you so strongly that you will know all the words by the time the song is over. This first track is interstellar. I highly recommend you take a listen to this track and I assure you once you do you’ll be hooked.
“All I Think About” recommended for you:
Pure, raw, and real. It is what it say’s it is, “A Great Escape” filled with joy, pleasure and full out fun. It is my understanding that there were a lot of first takes on this album. I hear that’s what makes the magic pure and true. I believe it.
The powerhouse vocals of Amie Miriello will bring you into the scene that she expresses with such clarity you’ll feel as if you are inside the actual moment of the song. From the very beginning you’ll be moving, feet tapping, body jumping, and you’ll be dancing open unbridled happiness.
Exceptional clarity of form and placement on the tracks. It takes you back to the early 1960’s and 70’s while re-igniting the teen years in everyone over forty. Rock and Pop mixed with a wisp of grooving blues.
Clubs in Los Angeles CA have been sold out and packed on a regular basis since this trio began their amazing journey.
Their self titled debut album can be enjoyed here at Soundcloud:
I feel it sometimes holds back a group if you try to place them in a particular genre but this group would be consider Alternative Pop at it’s best. Compared to other well known artist’s such as Amy Winehouse and Janis Joplin this group will move up the charts quickly if they keep this up.

I love “Rebel”, it’s hard hitting, rocking and full of explosive energy. Amazing.
This album is exceptional in vocals and musical talent. It grooves from the first note. Don’t miss out on including this album in your collection.
For more on “The Great Escape” and planning your own escape please visit the following sites:
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