Without music, I would be … without a voice! Music is … a gift from above. My music makes me feel … connected to those outside of my “little world.” I write the songs because … I’m not a songwriter, but I choose songs that come from the heart. Support music because … of the connection it brings between musicians and their audiences.
1. What was the first song you ever performed?
On the “big stage” the first song I ever performed was “Still the One” (Shania Twain)
2. Did you come from a musical background?
I did not come from a musical background at all. My mom did play a little bit of piano though, and so fortunately she did “make me” take piano lessons at a young age! Although none of my other family members were musical, I remember that there was always music playing in our home––and I just grew up loving to sing along.
3. What are your musical influences?
As a young girl, I loved Karen Carpenter’s rich, low vocals––I wanted to sound just like her! Surprisingly I was not a country fan until later in my life when I was introduced to the music of Shania Twain (I call her my “gateway drug” into country music). Once I became a country fan, I was drawn to performers such as Wynonna Judd and Martina McBride, not only because of their powerhouse vocals, but also for their passion and the message in their music. In addition to the country influences, I was influenced by the bluesy style of Bonnie Raitt.
4. How do you balance your music career with your other obligations in life?
What a great question…and not an easy one! My priority has always been my family and so I definitely have difficulty balancing career and family. I also own a business with my husband who is a speaker and writer in the financial world, and so it’s definitely “putting a puzzle together” managing two careers and taking care of my family! I prioritize each day, and usually will daily spend a “chunk” of time on a project and then do the necessary tasks to keep everything else going. I tend to work every day for at least a few hours instead of putting in long days. Because I absolutely love what I do (so that it does not feel like work), I have the passion and strength to get what I need to get done.
5. If you had to do it all over again, would you still choose this career? Would you do anything differently?
Since this is a career I began later in my life, it’s easy to say that OF COURSE I would choose this career. Although I wish I had started my music career a little earlier in life, I do feel that this time is perfect because of the character, confidence and connections I have developed over my life.
6. What are 3 things that you have to have with you at all times/never leave home without?
Cell phone (work/songs I’m working on), SoundSport wireless headphones (for my sensitive ears), and a cool jacket!
7. How would you describe your music to someone that has never heard you before?
Bluesy country; songs about themes that evoke strong emotions such as: love, hope, pain, faith, passion, values
8. What made you first realize you wanted to pursue a career in music?
Even though I was a music major in college, I really didn’t have the desire to pursue a music career until the night I performed an original song that my husband had written for me for our anniversary. That career-changing beautiful song, “Faithful” is on my upcoming album, “More to be Said.”
9. What do you feel distinguishes “an artist” from just a musician?
I love to interpret a song––not just ‘sing” it. It’s so easy when you’re just singing covers to sing like someone else…I found my voice and artistry from singing original music.
10. How do you like to enjoy your relaxation time away from the music?
I love spending time with my family, riding my horse (dressage), walking with my friend, and golfing (especially the driving range!).
11. What are your up-to-date performance plans? New Releases? Tours? News?
I’m about to release my first single, “Make Me Stay” from my upcoming sophomore album, “More to be Said.” I am working on setting up regional shows, and a tour down the road.
12. If you could perform with anyone in the world – either dead, alive, or broke up – who would it be? Why?
Number one: Wynonna Judd, who is one of my strongest musical influences. I recorded one of her top 3 favorite songs––“Jesus and a Jukebox”––on my upcoming album. I’d also love to perform with Little Big Town…I love their harmony!
13. As an artist, how would you define SUCCESS?
Success is not becoming a big star; success is working hard, giving your best, and following your heart. Or as so beautifully put in the lyrics of one of my new singles, “Live your Truth.”
Live your truth – Express your love; Take action towards your dream; Walk your talk – sing your song; And make today worth remembering
For more information on Debbie Anthony visit: http://debbieanthonymusic.com/
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